How I made $2 Million
People often dream of starting businesses or going independent, but few do.
They can’t imagine how pursuing a passion project or big idea could pay the bills.
We’re taught from a young age to downplay/discredit our ideas – to think of all the reasons why something won't work rather than brainstorm solutions for how it could.
Nobody teaches us to get creative or focus on solutions. We’re trained to think from fear, rather than creativity. This causes us to think our ideas are impossible.
We end up settling for “practical jobs” that kill our creativity, motivation, and passion.
If we do decide to pursue a passion project, we assume there’s no way we could get paid for it.
So we stay on the linear path, at a day job we hate, placing our passion projects on the back burner.
We take the safe route and settle for careers we don’t like. We accept lower pay and side hustles, then convince ourselves that it’s just the way life is.
Prior to starting my business in 2017, this is how I lived. I was so paralyzed by the fear of debt and financial ruin, that I didn’t allow myself to dream big or pursue anything that was off of the linear path.
The problem is that this way of living does not work.
Little did I know, I’d make over $2 million following my passion over the next 7 years.
You need a way to turn your passion into a money-generating engine.
Despite what you might have heard, it is not only possible, but it is easier than the default linear path.
Why is this true? Because passion fuels progress and excellence. It will propel you toward greatness and revenue.
Conversely, when we languish in our circumstance, it drains our energy and depletes us of joy. This makes us less effective and less likely to realize our highest earning potential.
What if you really believed you could start your own business? Or make a million dollars? Or lead a team of 20?
What if you truly believed that you were meant to be a great leader, creator, writer, or entrepreneur.
If you did, you’d pursue it full force.
We only go after things that we believe are possible to achieve.
That’s where I’m asking you to start – by believing in yourself and/or some idea.
Once you do, it’s about identifying the immediate next steps to take. It’s likely so obvious that you’re overlooking it (like calling your friend who’s a writer if you want to be a writer, for example).
This process works because it gets you out of the rat race everyone else is in.
It has you trusting that you’re capable of great things.
When you think like this you’re actually positioned to get the results you want.
You will get into action.
You will show up everyday with the intention to turn your passion into your income. You will feel happier with your work.
You will radiate enthusiasm and confidence, and others will want to join you. Your network will grow. You will grow.
Unleashing your passion and taking baby steps every day, does not mean letting your career take over your life or becoming consumed with success / money / the future.
It’s about being yourself everywhere you go, and trusting that you’ll get results because of it.
You embrace the totality of who you are. Your totality becomes a springboard for action.
You already have everything you need to start this journey.
I know this message resonates with many of you. So don’t delay. Every day is precious. You deserve to bring your dreams to life, now.
And if you want to have a brief chat about it, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thanks For Reading!
I am on a mission to help driven people find clarity in the fast lane – making great money doing work they love, on their own terms.
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