Start making $150K with one simple change
If you’re an independent consultant with 5+ years of experience, you can make $150K per year without a ton of marketing and outreach.
$150K is the point at which business really starts to feel sustainable.
Getting there is simple, but you have to know where to focus your time and energy.
You won’t get to $150K by:
Revamping your product / offers
Changing your price
Refreshing your brand
Paying for ads
Posting more on social media
Trying to grow your reach and get new leads
If you’ve done these things, you know they don’t guarantee any real results…they create tons of work for you, but don’t lead directly to any additional revenue.
This causes you to doubt yourself and wonder if there is even a need for your services to begin with.
But I assure you there is!
You just need to learn 1 tool called Service-Based Selling (SBS)
It’s the most authentic way to sell.
It’s also the simplest and the FASTEST way to land clients and make money.
It’s not about slimy sales tactics or gimmicks. It’s about:
Deep listening
Asking open-ended questions
Identify root causes
Crafting irresistible proposals
When you get good at this, it will ignite your sales engine.
You won’t need new leads. You’ll interact with people everywhere and naturally demonstrate how you can help them.
You’ll sell FREQUENTLY and SUCCESSFULLY because you’re being of service.
You’ll stop worrying about what people think of you because you're more concerned with how you can help them.
Since you’re an expert in your field, you’ll be valuable to people, WHILE you’re selling.
And since you’re already an expert at what you do, Service Based Selling will feel simple and natural.
It’s just an extension of who you already are.
Service-based selling will keep you in business for years to come.
That’s why it’s essential that you get good at it.
It’s the difference between closing down your business because you’ve run out of money (or energy), and being able to create your own revenue for the rest of your life.
It’s the difference between serving thousands of clients over the course of a lifetime, or closing down your business because you never learned this one simple tool.
It’s what I teach my clients.
The sooner you learn it, the sooner you’ll stop under-earning FOR GOOD.
PS: For more on Service Based Selling, check out my most recent podcast episode where I walk you step by step through this tool and how to use it to unlock revenue in your business.
Thanks For Reading!
I'm on a mission to help white collar professionals find freedom through independence. Whether you're thinking about launching a business or you're already independent and trying to make it sustainable, I've got you covered with resources to help you on your way:
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