How to change careers in your 50s and 60s
If you entered the workforce in the 1980s or 90s, today’s job market is almost unrecognizable.
The online job application process is a mess.
Recruiters don’t follow up.
It’s impossible to get in touch with an actual human.
Ageism is running rampant, and it seems like younger applicants have a competitive advantage.
And the types of jobs available are completely different from those of the past 30 years.
The problem is that you can’t expect to play and win at a technological game.
So you need to play a relational one.
Flip the script, and get back in the driver’s seat.
What worked for you in 2001 is probably what will work for you now.
This means that you’ll likely have a conversation with someone who eventually opens a door or provides you with an opportunity.
So rather than apply to thousands of jobs online, go have dozens of conversations with people in your network.
And meet new people in the process.
Log the hours face to face (Zoom counts!)
It’s always been true that people want to do business with people that they know, like, and trust.
So go out and be someone that others know, like, and trust.
It’s also possible that you’ve spent the past 20+ years playing by the rules and doing “the right thing.”
Since this has worked for you in the past, you might think that it will work for you now.
But that’s incorrect thinking!
Now that you’re later in your career, it’s time to get impatient and bold!
Impatient and bold does not mean jaded / cynical / stubborn / rude.
It means that you proudly own your story and your experience.
You say the thing that other people might be too afraid to say.
You say it with compassion and grace, but you still say it.
You craft an incredible headline for yourself that showcases the depth of your experience and who you are as a leader.
That word “leader” is important.
At your age, it’s time to be a leader whether you like it or not.
It will work against you if you’re trying to blend in with the masses.
Because you naturally cannot blend in anymore.
You will stand out.
So own it. Feature it. Position yourself as a leader.
Turn your age and experience into an asset.
Make it clear that you’re no stranger to the challenges of work and that you’re ready to start the next incredible chapter of your life.
Position yourself as someone who can immediately jump in, work with others, and cut through the noise.
If someone has a big problem they need help with, you’ve got the grit and experience to help them.
As you have conversations with people and grow your connections, you’ll immediately know whether something is a good fit for you or not.
If the people seem off or the situation seems wrong, you will know.
You’ve spent your whole life honing your discernment skills.
Trust your gut. Apply it here.
And don’t get hung up on trying to find a “forever job.”
When you started your career you were probably looking for something stable – a company or organization that you could grow with.
Now that you’re late stage, you need to focus on shorter time frames.
This means you might consider project-based work as a contractor or consultant where you’re paid a huge chunk of cash for a short period of time.
Or you might step into a more volatile company / organization that is struggling and needs help turning things around.
Don’t be afraid to take risks.
You might only stay at your next job for 2-5 years.
That’s ok.
Just make sure they’re paying you a ton of money to be there in the last years.
Drive your income as high as you possibly can before retirement.
Then in retirement, remember that you can always keep taking on projects here and there.
Or you can exit the workforce altogether and go take a cruise down some river in Europe.
Whatever floats your boat, literally.
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I am on a mission to help driven people find clarity in the fast lane – making great money doing work they love, on their own terms.
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