How to find clarity in the chaos of life

Today a client asked, “how do I get more adventure in my life?”

The answer is straightforward:

  • Reconnect with parts of yourself you’ve put on the back burner.

  • Go after something you really want.

  • Take a break or unsubscribe from all of the parts of your life you don’t like.

We all know what we **should** do to enjoy life to the fullest.

But we don’t always do it. Why?

Because as humans we’re wired to avoid discomfort and the unknown.

We’re wired to stay safe – to think through all of the terrible things that could happen if we make a change or step outside of our comfort zones.

So even when our circumstances aren’t great, we’re resistant to changing them.

Because there’s a part of us that would rather be comfortable than fulfilled.

Our brains are very good at keeping us from taking risks.

We catastrophize the future

We focus on everything that could go wrong.

One of my clients today described it as an “addiction to negative thinking”

He didn’t mean “addiction” in the clinical sense.

He was more describing how we automatically and habitually continue to focus on the negatives.

Not only that, but we give them more weight than the positives.

So how do we start to shift this type of thinking?

First let me tell you what doesn’t work:

  • Swapping out negative thoughts for positive ones, doesn’t work

  • Forcing yourself to see things “half glass full,” doesn’t work

  • Pretending things are ok when they’re not, doesn’t work

  • Ignoring or blocking out the bad, doesn’t work.

Instead, try the FUND method:

  • Feel and validate your emotions. Let yourself have the experience you’re having. It is happening. And it is valid (there is no such thing as an “invalid” emotion.)

  • Uncover the root cause. Trace the root cause of your feelings to the best of your ability. What **exactly** causes you to feel the way you do. Therapy can work WONDERS in this department. And if you’re looking for a therapy recommendation, I suggest Karen Bernstein.

  • Notice that you are not your feelings. You’re the one feeling your feelings – the observer

  • Distinguish the facts. Get clear on the facts of your situation vs. your interpretation of those facts.

This last point is mission critical.

Most of us are not so great at speaking about the facts of our lives.

We are often swept away by our interpretations – especially the negative ones.

For example, maybe someone didn't text you back.

Rather than simply saying “they didn’t text me back” and leave it there, we usually tack on an additional story, explanation, or interpretation of why they didn’t text back:

They didn’t text back because _______.

You can fill in the blank with whatever interpretation you’d like.

Because “they are mad at me”

Because “they don’t like me”

Because “they are planning a surprise for me and don’t want me to know.”

No matter what explanation you offer, it is an interpretation.

I’m not suggesting that you never have interpretations.

I’m suggesting that you practice distinguishing between facts and interpretations more often.

Because sometimes our interpretations can get a little wacky.

And it can be useful to notice when they’re causing us to spiral downward.

If you’re like me and you have a loud inner dialogue, this practice can be life changing.

It gets you out of negative self talk.

It also gets you out of delusional fantasy thinking.

It’s sober, grounded, and neutral.

It’s clarity!

Clarity is not about knowing with certainty what will happen.

It’s also not about having 100% confidence in yourself or the future.

It’s also not an emotion.

It’s a practice.

It’s a way to approach life.

That’s why I love the FUND method so much.

Because it spells out exactly HOW to get clear.

It’s a process.

And it acknowledges all aspects of you – your emotions, experiences, thoughts, actions, and your being.

It takes the pressure off of you to “have all the answers.”

You simply get to practice finding yourself over and over again.

And the more you practice, the easier it gets.

If you’d like to go deeper into this topic, reply to this blog.

I’d love to set up a time to chat.

There is zero pressure to work with me.

I offer complimentary sample sessions to anyone who’s interested.

Until next week!

Thanks For Reading!

I am on a mission to help driven people find clarity in the fast lane – making great money doing work they love, on their own terms.

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